Showing posts with label This And That. Show all posts
Showing posts with label This And That. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015


How did that happen? 

He's eleven. 

And that makes me ... lets not go there yet k?

And that handsome kitty - he's seventeen. 

Oh boy oh boy. My fellas are getting on up there. 

Anybody know how to hit pause? 

I kinda like right where we are thank you very much. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Only Half Crazy

I did it.

I not only ran a half marathon (13.1 miles) but I finished only 4 minutes over my original goal. 

Six weeks before the half I had tendonitis in my right foot which sidelined me and then the snow added insult to injury (literally). Three weeks I went without running. Three weeks before the race I had to carefully recondition my aging body.

But I did it.

I was able to work back up to 10 miles.

I know - 3.1 miles shy of the goal.

It was insane but as they say 

Cute shirt here.

And yes, I plan to do it again. 

When you are crazy, your are crazy - even if only half!


Hope you join in for Turn the page ... Tuesday on the 31st. I've got some good ones to share and I hope you do too!

Friday, February 13, 2015


Me: John (he's 8), will you be my valentine?

John: (does his sweet side smile which makes his dimples show) Moooom, well .... I can for now but one day I'm going to have a wife and she will be my valentine.

Be still my heart.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trick Or Treat



Turn the page ... Tuesday is this week. Hope to see you!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hoka Polka

Back in July of 2011 I reviewed a book for TTPT  Born to Run in which I begin the post saying

I'm not a runner. Never have been. I do run though. On a treadmill or on fairly flat terrain. After 3 miles I'm toast. So how can I say I'm not a runner? Well, I don't run races and my 'running' is pretty slow and steady ... and as I mentioned - lacking hills.


Time to eat crow.

I AM a runner.

I run 4 miles with hills at least 3 times a week.

I've run in several races.

I run against me. No one else. My goal is to finish and try to beat my own personal time. Not what someone else tells me my time should be.

Because I can.

One of which was ten miles (TEN!) and had lots (LOTS!) of hills. The last mile was UPHILL!

And I did it.


For my Aunt Barbara.

I'm running because I can.

When I was first starting out it was painful. Down right miserable.

And then I'd think of my aunt.

Sick. Scared. Exhausted. Housebound because of chemo.

I can do this.

If she can do THAT.

I can do THIS.

And I did.

I just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon (and it's flat - I haven't completely lost my everlovin mind).

Over the past 3 years I've had a few injuries (one related to an overzealous rendition of the chicken dance) not to mention the fact that I am getting older by the second. I've gotten better at listening to my body and knowing when I need to take a walk break or a few days break. Heck - when to take Motrin and an Epsom's salt bath or when just a glass of wine will do ;-)

I finally feel comfortable calling myself a runner. After all, with the clown shoes on I better claim it. Either that or join the circus.

These babies feel like I'm running on air. Instead of pounding the pavement I am now doing the Hoka (One One) Polka.

Will you join me?

Clown shoes not required.

Circus optional.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

For Your Girls

Unless you live in a hole in the ground or you are severely color blind I'm sure you've noticed a lot of pink these days. Pink ribbons, pink hats, pink socks, t-shirts that say 'Real men wear pink'.

Can I say - real men do wear pink and quite well *Rocky*.

All kidding aside - breast cancer (or any cancer for that matter) is nothing to laugh about. The statistics are nauseating and well


If you've been here for a while you might remember an email I shared that my Aunt Barbara sent me regarding my egg nog recipe. It was a hoot and her doggie Cooper got the treat of his life! Just around that time my Aunt had pain in her breast that would not go away. She went to her MD but by the time they could fit her in (approx. 2 weeks later) the pain was gone. No lump found via mammogram or physical exam. Her MD said cancer pain comes and stays - doesn't go away and since she was all clear via mammogram and her exam there was nothing to worry about.

Two months later the pain is back and is excruciating. It was not going away. Back to the MD and a sonogram is done.


Something is found.

Biopsy done.

Breast cancer.

It was in her lymph nodes.



More surgery.


More chemo.

My aunt - my funny - beautiful - smart - vibrant aunt has been to hell and back.

She is a fighter.

She has lost hair, had it grow back only to lose it again.

She will win.

She is at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. What they portray in their commercials are legit.
They are the bomb.

I am so thankful that my aunt took her health seriously and was persistent (that is how she ended up at CTCA after two disastrous MD experiences).

Why do I share her story? Because Aunt Barbara's story could be ours. Maybe it already is. Maybe you know someone who is fighting. Maybe you know someone (yourself?) who is adverse to getting a mammogram. My aunt's is a rare cancer that grows almost like a rope vs a lump so it was not detected the traditional ways but she listened to her body. She was persistent and she was right. She knew something was amiss.

Don't be shy - do your self exams monthly. Get your mammogram annually. Listen to your body and make your doctor listen. That's what they get paid to do.

Thank you Mindy for sharing your story and inspiring me to share my aunts.

If you are one for praying - I'd appreciate (and so would my aunt) prayers for her to be cancer and pain free. The medications she has to take to counter the chemo she is on is wicked and reeks havoc on her body. She is grateful to be alive but we believe in miracles and pray for total healing!

So ladies, when was the last time you checked your girls?

Don't wait.

Do it for your girls.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tap Tap Tap ... Hello?

Is this thing on?



How ya been? Anyone still out there?

Nothing like just jumping right back on the horse, or blog ...

I can't even tell you how many books I've read since I last posted in September 2013.

September 2013?!?!

Let's not go there. It was too long ago.

So lets talk numbers instead.


That's a lot of blogging I've missed. Will you all join me again for our Turn the page ... Tuesday adventures? I won't bombard you with 43 reviews this coming Tuesday but I will certainly have a few good ones to share.

I just might even post more than the first Tuesday of each month. Mindy's challenge is a tough one for me but maybe it's time to dust off the keyboard, sewing machine, crochet hooks, real camera (as opposed to my phone) and get back to documenting my wonderful and crazy life.

And since I like to have pictures with my posts ...

Happy fall ya'll from beautiful Virginia.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It's long over due.

I miss my camera.

I needed motivation.

My children aren't willing subjects anymore.

I need a scavenger hunt.

No - not like looking for my keys, or sunglasses, or my missing shoe ...

a photo scavenger hunt.

A quick google search and boom.

I found what I was looking for.

Country Girl Does Norfolk has an interesting list.

I'm in.

Will you join me?


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blink Blink

How did that happen?

Both my babies are in school now.

Wasn't it just a few days ago that I brought Henry home from the hospital? No? Ohhhh. That was 8 1/2 years ago.

And John? Didn't I just have him strapped on my back in the baby carrier? No. That was almost 6 years ago.



They are pretty ecstatic.

I would be lying if I didn't say I was too.

After all - I have these caricatures of my children to keep me company ;-)

After I tame all the dust bunnies and tackle the list that has accumulated over the last 8+ years, I hope to be able to spend a little more time in this virtual space of mine. I've got a lot of sewing, picture taking, crocheting, book reading to accomplish.

I have to say, it's awfully quite around here. I can actually hear myself blink ... blink ... blink ... blink ...

Monday, April 2, 2012

An Apple A Day

Rocky and I took the train to NYC for a few days a couple of weeks back. It was the first time in eight years (8!) that we had been away with out our (adorable) attachments.

It was bliss.

The boys and Rocky's and my parents (the caregivers) survived.

We were all spoiled rotten.

Did I mention it was bliss?

Here are a few shots from our 10 year anniversary trip to The Big Apple ~

A sweet subway entrance on the upper west side

The Freedeom Tower

A happy little place I happened to stumple upon in SOHO

They couldn't tell me how to get to Sesame Street ...

Times Square from the back of our limo - uh-huh - limo


Don't forget Turn the page ... Tuesday is tomorrow!

I might be a little delayed in posting but don't be dismayed ~ I will have a review (or two or three!)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Time Passes By

I've always loved this song. Seemed appropriate to link to since I haven't been in this little space of mine for some time.

I miss it.

Turn the page ... Tuesday keeps Some of a Kind alive these days; and that's ok for now.

Ecclesiastes 3 comes to mind.

It seems that this time in my life has been a time of embracing, seeking, keeping, and loving. My little fella will go off to kindergarten this fall (I know it's only February but he already seems so grown up) and can't help but reflect quietly to myself how time passes by.

Ready or not.

Blogging or not.




I hope as your time is passing by it is filled with sweet moments like mine has been - documented or not. This quiet time (or not so quite depending on your perspective) has been refreshing and exhausting. I think you can relate - yes?

In the meantime - the heartbeat of this blog (for this season) is right around the corner - Turn the page ... Tuesday is next Tuesday. The theme for this year is Series & Sequels but whatever you've read I'd love to hear about it.

Hope to see you then.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I realized that I hadn't shared the pictures I took from the UVA cemetery.

I thought Halloween would be fitting to do so.


I hope you have all treats and no tricks!

More (not so) spooky pics to follow in a later sugar induced post ...

after Turn the page ... Tuesday (which is tomorrow!!!).

Now that is definitely a treat ;-)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Yesterday was a beautiful day to hit the road.

The boys had a bit of fun pre-game.

And a one 'uh oh' moment when the football went under a car.

Henry loved being resourceful and retrieving it.

To then carry on!

I love Virginia's stadium.

It's one of the nicest ones I've ever been in.

Oh yeah. I'm back in my boot. I got a little too excited doing the chicken dance last week at a women's retreat and wrenched it pretty good. It's nice and swollen. And would you look at how big that darn thing is compared to my foot! I go back to the orthopedic on Tues. to get the verdict. My injury from running (tendinitis) healed pretty well but I guess my ankle wasn't strong enough to handle my dancing ;-)

I took some cool pictures in a cemetery this weekend too ... but that's for another post.

PS - Hooville is what many call Charlottesville, Va because of the school's nickname Wahoo's for it's sports teams (I don't get it but I chant wahoo wa quite a bit!)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

John: I'm the one who loves you
Me: Thank you John, I love you too. And Daddy, and Henry ... and they love me too ...
John: BUT, I'M the one whooooo LOVES YOU.
He's gonna make a great hubbie one day!

Henry: Mama, come QUICK!
Me: (Running down the hall nearly breaking my neck) What - what is it? Are you ok?
Henry: I think I just did magic. I'm not sure but I think I did. There was a bug and I went (waves hands around in front of him) woosh ... and now he's gone.

Henry:  Are we there yet?
Me: Not yet. Only 3 hours more.
Henry: Hey John, did you here that ... only 3 hours more. We are practially there! (I guess after our haul to Fl this summer - 3 hours is a walk in the park!)

John: (Following Henry down a dark hallway) No don't be afraid ok ... God is always with you.


 Don't forget Turn the page ... Tuesday is this Tuesday. Where has the summer gone? You still have time to pull a book off the shelf that has been staring you down for a few months ... or years!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Back In Black

When I introduced you to my little friend I hadn't taken before and after pictures of the chairs that I painted ... it was unbelievably hot - too hot- still is really. Today we hit a balmy 95 with humidity only 99% ... I got out this am to snap some pics while it was 67 degrees - bliss before the smothering begins.

Green and rusted

back in black

Much better don't cha think?

I apologize for the shadows - our house faces east and I took these this am. The ivy is from our wedding ... almost 10 years ago! My mother had the presence of mind to keep some from one our center pieces and when we arrived home from our honeymoon she had some beginning to root on our counter waiting for us. Moms are good like that aren't they?

Two chairs done ... four more to go. With the heat like this though I'd say it's going to be closer to Christmas before I even think about picking up my little friend again!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bulking Up

What do you get when you have 6 lbs of ground beef, four cans of refried beans, a ton of taco seasoning, 40 flour tortillas and 40 strips of aluminum foil?

A fiesta?


You get 40 beef and bean burritos individually wrapped.

Just freeze and reheat when ready to eat.

No thawing necessary - yippee!!!

This is just one of many recipes that I've made from my new favorite cookbook: Fix Freeze Feast. I have been doing some serious chopping, simmering and mixing this summer. Every recipe I have made has been delish. I now have a freezer full of burritos, meatballs (like 100 people!), Mexican casseroles, garlic pork loins, balsamic basil pork chops (their recipe here), and Thai thighs (that sounds funny), and chicken cashews ...

Now I don't know about y'all but that's my kind of bulking up ;-)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Say Hello To My Little Friend

We had these metal chairs ... that were once green but had turned brown (as in rusty). It was time to give them a face lift.

Say hello to my little friend:

We had a good time getting acquainted.

Once we are below 100 degrees and 100% humidity I will glady share some after pictures. In the meantime ... stay cool my friends.


PS - The winner of Leaving Protection is Ruth! Congrats!

PPS - I forgot to mention on the last TTPT post that Born to Run was one of those TBR books - that challenge is still going on! All year in fact! Don't forget to pull one of the shelf that's been staring you down ;-)

Monday, July 4, 2011

I read quite a few books while listening to this ....

I'm ready for Turn the page ... Tuesday tomrrow. Are you?

Monday, June 20, 2011

O Captain! My Captain!

It was 1989 when I went to see Dead Poet's Society.

I {{loved}} that movie.

Maybe it had something to do with all the cute boys (I was 17 after all) but I think it had more to do with the love of reading, learning, following the path that you feel your heart is leading you ... again young hearts/minds are a wee bit impressionable (just sayin').

Any who ... Maybe it's the two boys that have been entrusted to Rocky and myself.

I don't know.

But here we are, enjoying a beautiful family vacation and we have the opportunity to head out on a boat for a bit and the captain asks if my boys would like to drive:

um - yeah! and I can't help but think of O Captain! My Captain!

My hope is that my boys do follow their dreams and if they are so compelled to stand up in defense of whatever their 'captain' is.

Carpe Diem became my motto when I was 17 (and for many years to follow).

Somewhere along the way I became a grown up.

And cynical.

Not as easily to 'believe' in my captains.

I want what's best for my kids.

I want then to grow up to be God fearing men.

I know everything else will fall into place if they indeed follow the only Captain.

O Captain! My Captain! Help them seize the day!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sundries And A Feathered Friend

:: We went to Florida for spring break
:: It was awesome
:: I needed a vacation from my vacation once I got home
:: I finally picked up my crochet hook again and started working on John's blanket a bit
:: I finally sat at my sewing machine since I posted about this skirt and not only finished the skirt (pics to come but made a cute little jumper and did some boring mending/altering that has been lingering in the UFO pile)
:: I soaked 2 big bags of black beans and chick peas and froze them
:: I think I will need to invest in Beano given the amount of beans I have in my freezer
:: Or just gas masks
:: I was inspired by this bean cookbook to give the soaking a shot (no pun intended ;-P )
:: I'm sharing my chair right now with my cat and a stink bug that is destine to meet it's maker at any moment
:: I still can't get over the fact that Henry is 7 - goodness me - where has the time gone?
:: I occasionally have the feeling like I am a hamster in a wheel
:: I really do feel blessed - and grateful - and overwhelmed with joy
:: We hit the road for another air show
:: I {heart} jet noise
:: I wonder if we are considered air show groupies?
:: Loving books on CD for both the boys and me
:: Especially for long road trips ... and trips to the grocery store too
:: Looking forward to only having to pack lunches for 2 more days
:: When I pull my hair back in a bun I look like a skunk - I have a grey streak right down the middle - just call me Flower
:: I don't get carded any more when I buy alcohol - must be the stripe
:: I did cut 2 inches off my hair and invested in some mac-daddy-salon-products to tame the do
:: They are working - thank you Scruples
:: I've read 20 books since January
:: That doesn't count the books in my Bible that I've read
:: I'm reading book 21 now
:: And 1 Kings, John, and Philippians
:: The stink bug is still on the arm of my chair and my cat has abandoned his mission
:: Are you still reading?
:: I think it's time to wrap this up - I need to flush a bug

:: This guy was a bit peeved when he realized I wasn't going to feed him
What's sundering in your world?