Still reading? Good ... I promise, I'm almost there ... the good news (besides that I'm almost done babbling) is that my waist measurement did go down a few inches ... the not so good ... my hips are the same. c'est la vie. (I am telling you this for a reason - really!) The book has this great formula on how to use your measurement to create a skirt that fits. I recalculated (or so I thought) and began to make a muslin skirt as a test run. When I tried it on it did seam to fit a little low ... since I'd never made a 'demo' before I figured that once the facing was put in it would scoot up a bit.
Soooo ... it's time to cut into the awesome circus fabric ... I make the skirt - LOVE it and then discover it sits 3 inches below my belly button! YOWSA. Now I like things that ride a little lower ... but this ... this is a bit low. The night before I gave it the inaugural wearing (just to see if I could live with it so low) I dreamt all night how I was going to fix it without ripping out any seams ... I dreamt about it a lot ... coulda been the fever.
Then I wore it. It actually worked. It was comfortable. I didn't feel like I was about to lose my skirt at any moment. Good thing those hips that have birthed two of the loves of my life hadn't changed.
How did it end up so big if the book is so awesome ... user error. I wrote down my waist measurement on the page but didn't adjust the formula. Will I ever learn to slow down? Doubtful. I think it's genetic ... another bunny trail as my girlfriend calls it ... hang with me ... my dad is one of the smartest people I know (nuclear engineer) but he'll be the first to injure himself while walking. That's right. Walking. See, I come by it naturally.
You still here? Drum roll please ...
I followed the pattern for the A-line. Yes, ladies and gentlemen ... there is a zipper. AND it works! Did I say I loved this skirt? You will see more from Sew What! Skirts coming to a blog near you ...
It looks great. Nice fabric and congratulations on the zipper, too - they scare me.
If it makes you feel better, I recently bought some shorts, but spent most of the time in the changine room looking at the bottom edging to see if I could unpick it, shorten the shorts, then reattach it. It wasn't until I had done all of that and tried them on again that I noticed that these shorts were a lower rise than anything else I own... I'm about an inch away from looking like a plumber. Thank goodness for the longer t-shirts...
lovely skirt, it looks great on you
lisa x
I think it looks great on you! And that fabric is AWESOME!
Adrienne I LOVE it!! Wonderful fabric! That book is so awesome. I tried to "cheat" last week & use an a-line pattern I already had to do the tablecloth skirt...and the sucker didn't fit!! ARGH. So when I get back from the sassy tee vacation (lol) I'm going to draft my pattern using the directions.
Terrific skirt! I have the book, too, and so far have made one skirt that was a flop (completey my fault). I need to try again, and just follow the directions and take my dang time...great minds think alike, huh?! heehee.
That is so cute! Great fabric, too. I'm going to put that book on my Amazon wish list.
So cute on you and great choice of fabric.
Great fabric! Classic and will still be stylish for years to come!
Oh man, I looked at that book today while at the book store. I love it. It makes me want to be more brave with my sewing machine. Sew what!Skirts is going on my birthday list. Love the circus fabric :o)
I love that fabric! It's a really cute skirt!
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