I also finished my Seamstress Apron. I haven't even used it yet and I am already going to name this as one of my favorite-must-have-sewing-accessories. (The other is my chalk pencil). It was sooo easy to make. The only time consuming part is cutting out the fabric, interfacing and canvas...a lot. It went together very quickly after that. I am definitly going to add this to my list of gifts for those who like to sew. I'm pleased with how it turned out.
I'm slowly crossing things off my sewing list. I'm not sure if I'm going to make another baby blanket (I have 3 to make) or the Chelsea bag for my knitting {of which I have not touched in 2 weeks - that darn purl stitch - makin' me crazy}. I also need to make 2 more Bend the Rules turtles and I've added this to my list.
I'm in my obssesive must research and find an answer phase regarding my families 'wellness'. Henry had a 104.4 temp yesterday - DH said that he's never seen the waiting room so packed at the MD - 2 hour wait. Thankfully it is just a sinus infection. Juice Plus is the leading contender. Decisions, decisions.
Oh your apron turned out great (both of them, actually)! I've got to get going on mine.
Yay! It looks great! Fill that baby up and get sewing! It really saves me time from looking all over for my stuff. :o) I'm so glad you had fun making it!
God bless,
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