I didn't like this book. Maybe some of you out there did but his writing style, the content, and the characters just did not do it for me. I'm not going to say anymore beyond that except the only reason I finished this book was because I truly was hoping for a different ending. I thought surely all the other stuff (that got under my skin) would end up turning into a glorious 'redeeming' ending. Nope. If you are so inclined you can read the one star reviews on Amazon to see what others have said (that I agree with). Don't mean to offend ... this just wasn't my cup of tea.
Okey doke. On a happier note ... I loved this book. Really. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was such delightful read. If nothing else you just need to read it to find out why it has such a long and confusing to remember (at least for me) name. The story is so well written and has many warm fuzzies. I felt like I knew the characters and laughed out loud many times and startled the cat from his deep slumber on my lap. The book is a collection of letters (so it makes for a very fast read) and shares several journeys of great sacrifices, love that defies all, and good old fashioned British humor. If you haven't already, read it. It's worth your time.

I couldn't resist reading another blogger recommendation - Here If You Need Me. Paige had read this some time ago and after reading another one of her suggested books I couldn't resist this one. I whipped through this book too - it was a book that turned great sadness into growth and joy. Kate's ability to pull through her husband's untimely accidental death is amazing. What's even more unbelievable was her ability to go back to school (seminary) while raising four children to full fill her husband's dream of becoming an ordained minister. Her families story unfolds as she shares stories of daily life and of her unique job as the chaplain for the Maine Warden Service. One of the things that touched me most was her response to her children's question: "Why did dad die" ...
God does not spill milk. God did not bash the truck into your fathers car. Nowhere in scripture does it say, "God is car accident" or "God is death". God is justice and kindness, mercy, and always - always love. So if you want to know where God is in this or in anything look for love.
Well. I think that just sums it up. I have some theological differences with Kate (she's a Unitarian-Universalist minister) but that doesn't that I am not open minded enough to recognize a good heart when I see one. Her story is one of triumph over tragedy. I think you'll enjoy this one too.
Well. I think that just sums it up. I have some theological differences with Kate (she's a Unitarian-Universalist minister) but that doesn't that I am not open minded enough to recognize a good heart when I see one. Her story is one of triumph over tragedy. I think you'll enjoy this one too.
Before I get to the list of other bloggers who have participated I have something exciting to share (no I'm not pregnant - ha!) ... this is Turn the page ... Tuesday's one year anniversary!!!!! You all all have made this such a fun and exciting monthly ritual for me. Many of the books I have read have come straight from your recommendations and I hope that some of mine have brought you joy as well. If nothing else, my list of need to read has quadrupled in the past year. I love that. So, to celebrate I am having a give away. My all time favorite book - The Island is going to head out to a good home very soon. Leave me a comment by Tuesday April 13th and tell me your favorite book of all time and you are entered into the drawing. I'll announce the winner on Wednesday the 14th. Feel free to tell your friends to comment too (it won't get you extra entries because I'm not that organized but I'd sure like to add to my list of future reads).
Don't forget to visit these blogs for more TTPT reviews:
I've been wanting to read a few of those titles too....Maybe next month. Let's see. My favorite book of all time is "Three Women at the Water's Edge" by Nancy Thayer. Loved it. So. Much.
Before the end of the day, I'll have my TTPT selection up on my blog. And too funny, I was thinking about giving away the book I just finished. It was a good one, but I'm Spring cleaning and de-cluttering so away it's going to go -- to one lucky duck.
And congrats on your one year TTPT anniversary! That is a milestone.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone. I've been participating for, I dunno, 6-months and love every post. Thank you for making it happen!
I really enjoyed "The Potato Society" Book (as we called it in Book Club), too. You're right, lots of warm fuzzies.
As for my favorite book of all time... "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. This book touches me on so many levels, it's hard to describe. There's just SO much more to the story than what you read on the surface.
Wow - one year already??! I love TTPT a whole lot, and I love you for putting it all together, so thank you - and my post is up!
Let's see...one of my all time faves is A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley. It builds slowly from the beginning like a perfect storm into a whirlwind that left me ripping through the pages to the end. Loved it.
Oh, and I'm glad you liked Here if You Need Me - she has a new book out that I'm gonna read soon, but first I'm waiting for Water for Elephants from the library.
Yay! One year! How cool and congrats! Oh my. My favorite book of ALL Time? Goodness. I love so many....I would probably have to go back to a childhood favorite that I still pick up a read now and again. Where the Red Fern Grows. Yep. That's it.
I so agree with you on "Chlorea". Hated it. Watched the movie and hated it as well.
But "Potato Peel Pie" was awesome. It's one of the very few books that I loved so much that I kept on my shelf instead of passing on to someone else. Loved it.
My review is up. I so look forward to this every month and am actually going to be late for work this morning because putting up my TTPT is much more important. LOL
Okay Adrienne....I got my book out there on my blog (Thanks again for sponsoring this).
My Turn The Page Tuesday post is up.
I am reading "Water For Elephants" & "Blogging for Bliss"
One year aniversary, time goes by fast when we are having fun!
It's always good to hear what others think of books on my reading list. Thanks.
It's been so crazy here I have hardly had time to read except things for homeschooling. I am hoping that once school is over I can get a lot of reading done.
I would love a chance to win this book.
I forgot to tell you my favorite book of all time. This one is tough~there are so many I love.
I would have to say Little Women.
Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad I found you thru the Jolly Bee, my list of "gotta read its" grows every month! My favorite book of all time? I can only pick one? Hmmm... I think Joshua and The Shepard by Joseph Grizone.
I completely agree with you about Love in the ... - and about The Guernsey Literary .... One book was full of people that I would hate to meet, the other was full of people that you know would be great to have at a dinner party. I'm sure my English Lit teacher would disagree, but a poetic writing syle does not make a book good.
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