Here's what I plan to include with each gardening tote:
The Gardener's Companion (A Think Book) and a Honey House Bee Bar. The book is funny, interesting and great for your ... ah ... library. The hand balm is - the bomb (and it last forever). I use it constantly in the winter and it works like a charm. It totally keeps my hands from getting dry and cracking. I also have these little journals/notebooks that I bought at Michael's in the $1 bin that I will stuff in there too.
The stats: Almost all the fabric came from Wal-Mart (sometime ago) and was no more that $5/yard. It's all decorator weight so it makes the totes sturdy.(I actually have enough of each fabric left to make 2 more totes!) The first tote's lining was ordered from Kris. It is a Japanese import but I cannot remember the name of the print - it has bees and green flowers on it. Just in case you were wondering ...
Here are some other gift ideas ...
Martha has a really cute ABC pillow that could be personalized for a little one in your life ... who am I kidding ... I want one for me ;-) has a huge list of baby cuteness just waiting to be made.
This would make a great travel bag for a man.
Flying the friendly skies? Taking the train? Relaxing on a cruise? Ahhh ... I digress ... These luggage tags would definitely help you & yours find your traditional-black-luggage-that's-like-everyone-elses quickly.
Lola Again has two great purse tutorials - look the the right of her blog for the Angel and the Jenny. Perfect for any gal - young or ... shall we say wise ;0}
And since we are on the subject of gift giving - my MIL birthday is next week and a girlfriends daughter is turning one ... now that I've gotten two Christmas presents done I need to do some birthday sewing. One apron and a swing smock coming up.
you are flying along with your christmas presents - i've lost my mojo i think I'm just too tired to do anything at the mo. Love the baby slippers on your link tho
lisa x
That tote is FABULOUS!!
Thanks for all of the links....I always love to surf your good finds.
Those presents look ace. I like the gifts you plan to include. I am trying to ignore Christmas. Perhaps it will be cancelled?
Two Christmas presents already?! I need to start soon too, so I'm not rushing at the end. The gardening tote is such a great idea. Yours is beautiful!
This bag is simply adorable! And what a neat idea to fill it will the little gifts you've mentioned. My daughter has quadruplets 2 1/2 years old and an older son who is almost 4. They do a lot of gardening, and this would be perfect for her. Great idea!!!!
Sarah Doyle
I'm impressed. I always chicken out of giving hand made gifts at the last minute, though, even though the few that have actually made it to the recipient have been well received.
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