So, I'm being a good citizen, trying to lessen my 'global footprint' by recycling and what happens you ask? Why the dramatic blog title? I scrape my knuckle on the dumpster - ouch. I don't think much of it until later on when I'm running errands and have to ask a cashier for a band-aid (I know - a mom of 2 boys and I had no band-aids). I tell him the story and his eyes get very large with concern...and then it hits me... I might need a tetanus shot. DH had to come home from work so I could go get my shot. Murphy's Law had my previous shot on the verge of of expiring. Better safe ...
On a happier note - I was please to see Henry rediscover the bag I made him a few months ago. He likes to carry CD's in it for his Dora CD player. Too cute. The fabric matches curtains I made for his room.

The back of the tote is the blue polka dots.
Didn't get the Roman shade stuff this weekend either - we were blessed with the stomach bug...again. It will happen...hopefully in 2008 :) I also got this pattern in the mail today. I plan to make the bigger bag for my knitting supplies.
hi adrienne, lovely blog!
did you realise that you're only allowing blogger users to comment? there is a setting somewhere in blogger to fix that, if you want to, it'll make it easier for people to comment!
Peitseoga - Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention. I have changed it now. Take care.
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