Thursday, January 10, 2008

Casting On...

Well, I got that part down...after too many re-do's to count. Between the kit my mom gave me and this web site, I finally figured it out. So what you see above is the result of furrowed eyebrows and a cramped thumb and fingers. I tried to get to the next row (a knit 1, pearl 1, knit 1 - repeat 3 times) but just got frustrated and decided to put it down for now. I really want to figure this out. I have dreams of scarfs, sweaters and socks. The real test will be if I can remember how to cast on the next time...I'm being optimistic that I'll finish this project (a little purse) and move on to the next one like I've been knitting since birth.


moss stitch said...

Don't try anything as complicated as K1 P1. Just do rows of one stitch or complete squares/scarves for teddy bears in either knit or purl.
You must learn what stitches look like!
That was my mistake and I've gone back to basics and I can now do a rib!!
(The scarf in my blog)
I've a long way to go still!
Just practise as there is so much to get the hang of!

Kris said...

Looks sooooo much better than my first try!