Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's That Time Of Year Again

Football season.

I feel fall coming ...

and Turn the page ... Tuesday! I've read so many books that I haven't blogged about. I might just have to have a 'clean up' session. I don't know that I could give a decent review on some of them now because it's been so long since I've read some of them! Don't forget the challenge still exists to pull something of your shelf to read that has been staring you down ;-)

For you observant ones who happened to notice the very stylish (and hot) black boot that I am sporting in the picture don't be alarmed. It's only tendinitis. I say only because I originally thought I had a stress fracture (from running ... that will teach me to exercise!). Hopefully in a few weeks I will be up and running (literally) again but in the meantime ibuprofen and frozen peas (for an ice pack - it's the best!) are my new best friends.

Here's to cooler weather, football, and good reads! See you Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your foot...I know from first hand experience how quickly those running injuries can happen! One minute you're trotting along and the next...OUCH!!! (mine is my knee and it's going to be getting a running rest for awhile so it doesn't become worse.)

Yay for Fall!!! Yay for books. I've read quite a bit this summer, but recently I've hit a major wall. Too much on my mind I guess.

Hope you are well...(other than that foot)

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

I wore one of those boots for a good six weeks once when I tore my Achilles heel. Ouch. It's a pain, but you may miss it when it's gone. You get lots of sympathy! Ha. See you tomorrow for TTPT!