Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cracking Up

A few years back - four to be exact - I purchased some hand made pottery from a friend. She makes beautiful things. At one time she lived in Italy and this is when she was designing away (read - before children). She was having a major sale (like 60% off) retail price to clear out some inventory. I just had just had John and was having a bit of the I'm housebound and postpreggo body feeling ... in other words - I needed some retail therapy. Nothing like a bit of shopping to lift the spirits!

I bought two of these vases.

They've been treated just like my furniture; moved from room to room until I settled on where I liked them best. That place ended up being in our foyer on either side of a card table. Rocky insisted that they boys were going to end up breaking them - I scoffed at him. Well, turns out that he was partially right. A large turkey did have a run in with one of them only it was a not of the human race and was frozen.

I was unloading groceries and setting those that needed to go in the basement by the door and then as fate would have it - the turkey decided to shift its weight while my hands were full and crash bang boom down went my vase.

I just stood there in shock.

It is just a thing but it's thing that I was quite fond of. Sooooo ... I decided to do my best to salvage it.

It's a shotty job for sure but at least I still have my vase.

So if that wasn't heart wrenching enough ....

I'm doing dishes and BAM. My adorable fat chef that greets me at the sink every morning and has been a faithful soap dispenser for longer that I know lands in the sink.

SNAP goes the top.

As you can see the part that the dispenser screws on to is what broke off - securely in the pump so there is no hope of superglue unless I never want to refill my chef again.

I have looked high and low to try to find something like this little fella but with no luck. So until I happen to find my next sink companion he will stand guard (and I hope I don't knock him over again!).

The moral of the story: forget domesticity - it will leave you cracking up.


Paula said...

Oh man! I hate days like that. I hear they always come in three's, so HURRY, go break something that you don't like so much so that your streak will be over!

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

see this is too funny... not that you lost your beloved vase of course...

i bought groceries today and i'm going to cook for myself, for thanksgiving. turkey. oy! but yes indeed, to prevent further cracking up, mrs. smith for $2.88 will be baking the pumpkin pie.

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

Do not use the good china for Thanksgiving, girl! I'd go for paper plates.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That soap dispenser is well...unique. I can honestly say I have not seen one like that.

I have never heard of a house wrecking turkey!

Unknown said...

I hate it when things like that happen!!!
Maby you could find a cool soap dispencer on ebay?