Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Appled Dappled

Henry and I got to spend some time together the other day. Just us and 80 some odd other kindergartners, their parents, and teachers.

We got to pick an apple right off the tree.

We toured the packing shed and got to cool off in the refrigerator (the temp was over 85!) before we filled our bags with more apple varieties then I knew existed.

We took a hay ride to a pumpkin patch and selected our own to bring home.

Enjoyed the beautiful view.
I love Virginia's mountains indeed but I have to say ... Henry was the apple of my eye that day.


Rachel said...

Your pictures are beautiful! We just opened the last jar of home made applesauce from last year... time to do it all over again!

Ruth said...

What a great time to spend together. I love to go apple picking.

I am having a giveaway on my blog. I hope you can stop by.

Paula said...

Mmmmmm....I can almost taste those sweet crunchy apples. Yum..
I miss those field trip days from when the kids were little. Glad you're enjoying yours!