That is what my sewing room has become. It's quite comical in a warped sorta way. I am greeted every day by stacks of fabric, some of it with pins still in it, pieces of paper with 'lists' and how-to's only to have to move them out of my way to work on something else. Something has gotta give. I've decided that September is my month to finish what I started. I know I will probably have a few quick projects to keep me 'entertained' but my goal is to finish some
grocery totes, the
office curtains, the
playroom roman shades, and hand sew closed few
softies. Some of these have been hanging over my head (or not - if we're talkin' curtains!) for some time ... too long.
Got. to. be. free. of. unfinished. stuff.
I know, who am I kidding. It's a vicious cycle. Start five, finish one. sigh.
Maybe I need to call in reinforcements. I heard there was a sewing super hero in town.

On second thought ... help a gal feel better won't ya? What's in your sewing room waiting for you?
A mess is whats in my sewing room!!
A family quilt that is a Christmas present for my Mum
A 'walled garden/vegetable patch quilt for no-one in particular!
Various cushions to make - so just one big pile of stashed fabric to make them with. Yes they haunt me with their look every time I enter the room!
Trousers that need taking up, but then I get fed up and wear them only for them to annoy me all day + then it rains and I get soggy trouser bottoms!
Lots of 'small should be easy and quick' projects that never quite get under way!
An Amy Butler dress, fabric at the ready + pattern cut out!
And I'm sure there is more!!
You are ahead of me! My sewing room is not even painted yet. Send that super hero my way please!
I've got at least 14 quilts in various stages of piecing...2 purses i gave up on, and a rack of clothing that need repair. Feel better!
my husband and i used to go out for valentines day to a really nice restaurant. i would make a new formal for it. one year we were going out with a group and were told that the formal wear was out, so my formal is still waiting for the lining to be sewn in. that was 7 years ago.
Oh I love his expression - too cute! In my sewing corner is a huge pile of unfinished stuff including a quilt top, cushion covers and curtains. Oh a couple of pairs of trousers that need to be shortened that have been there for almost a YEAR!
Okay, I've had a dress (for myself) cut out and pinned, ready to be sewn for, I dunno, 2 months. Meanwhile, I made 3 tissue holders, 2 aprons, one pencil roll, and a cover for the GPS. None of that other stuff was for me...grrr! It's always easier to finish up stuff for other people and put stuff for me at the bottom of the pile...sound familiar?!
Oh, let's see. Pj's for my girl, fabric and pattern waiting to be ironed (they've been waiting a looong time). Three pillows waiting to be covered, a dress for me needing straps, and I still gotta whip up some totes for the apple orchard. Oh yeah, there's also two knitting projects in progress, a couple embroidery projects on the hoops, and an unfinished amigurumi angel thingy. Ack!
what a cute super hero, it makes it sound so much better to hear that i am not the only one who has loads of unfinished things
lisa x
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