And the soap. Rectangular. But all natural. What's not hip about that?
I have been searching high and low in my town (burning waaayy too much gas) trying to find the soap Fels Naptha. No where. I even did the zip code search. Nada. I wanted to make my own laundry detergent but was delayed due to my quest for Fels ... until I found this web site. I was able to buy Fels Naptha already graded! I hated to pay shipping but I figured I was already in the hole if you factor in all the gas I burned. sigh. It smells soooo good. I couldn't wait to do some laundry ... never thought I'd ever say that ;-)
And thanks to Green Mom Finds, I will be receiving the book Seven Wonders for a Cool Planet(that I won!) and will "find out how you can do your part to help save the planet one tomato, one bike ride, and yes, one condom at a time!" Sounds like another 24 hour read ...
i bought fels naptha at kroger, not grated of course, but in block form for treating stains.
My dish cloths never turn out square....I think it is because I don't count stitches...or rows.
I'm interested in knowing how the laundry soap works. I've been tempted to try it!
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