I've taken the first steps in organizing the exposed playroom - I took pictures of toys to then make labels for the storage bins. One would think this would be a simple task to accomplish ... it would have been if I was alone. I had the bright idea that the boys could help. It felt a lot like trying to take the Christmas card picture only this time I was yelling for them to leave Diego alone ... no put the trains back ... John, stop throwing the balls ... sigh.
So here's how far I've gotten.

I was going to label each picture with words - "car", "Elmo" but it just got too time consuming and the pictures are so small that it just looked funny. I need to now cut out the pictures and laminate them. I plan to use that no sew Velcro to attach them to the bins. If anyone wants these pics I'll happily send them your way ... I'd love to save you the ahhh .... joys of photographing toys that are in constant motion ...
Have a great weekend ... I hope you get to expose yourself too ;-)
What a good idea! I hope the implementation goes smoothly. Things never seem to work out for me in real life like I see them in my head. I think having kids has something to do with it.
Great idea! I can totally relate to trying to clean out with little helpers. The entire time I'm yelling. It feels EXACTLY like taking the Christmas picture! Well said. Can't wait to see the results of your hard work!
Oh yeah. Organizing the kid's toys is an endless task...I figure I'll be done in, oh, about 15 years! Good luck, though - you're off to a good start!!
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