I finally ordered a dress form. JoAnn's had a sale I couldn't refuse - more than half off! I know ... sucker! Berdie is wearing a wrap skirt I made last summer from the Sew What! Skirts book. Ignore the wrinkles - it's been under the bed all winter ;-) As best as I can remember it was an easy skirt to make. The waist is a little off so I'll use this as a pool cover-up instead of an actual skirt.
Henry was so funny when he saw the skirt on Berdie. Our conversation went like this:
H: Why do you have an apron on her?
Me: On who?
H: On her ... what do you call her?
Me: Bernadette?
H: Yea. On Bert.
Me: It's a skirt actually.
H: Oh. It looks like an apron.
Nothing like a four year old to put you in your place.
Boys are just totally honesty aren't they?!!?
I hope that you and *Bert* have a long happy life together.
Welcome Bert! (And I just read that you had some recent "girlfriend" time away, too! Yay!) Sorry, I'm behind on my blog reading. Gotta catch up!
congrats on the new addition to your family! my mom recently picked up a dress form for me at a yard sale for only $10!!! i love my dressform and wondered what i would do without her now!
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