Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I decided to dedicate Henry & John's nap time today to knitting...or trying to knit. I still am stumped after the cast on. I love KnittingHelp.com - the videos are great. I have watched how to knit over and over and over...I actually got a few knit stitches on but just seem to have butterfingers.I'm not giving up. I'll figure this knitting out if it kills me. If only I could put forth such an effort in cleaning.


Felicia said...

You can do it! Keep at it and don't give up. Knitting is worth the pain of learning :0

Adrienne said...

Thanks so much for the encouragment! I'm going to keep plugging away...

Jana Nielson said...

MMMMMmmmm Butterfingers! I love butterfingers...I'm on a diet though. I hope some day to learn to knit too! How do you start? Do I need a person to teach me....or is there a tutorial?

Jana Nielson said...

Thanks for telling me about Knitting help! I've got to go get some supplies to star with now!