Saturday, June 30, 2012

It's Electric

....or not. We were hit pretty darn bad by those storms that hit the east coast. Might not have electricity for a few weeks. Seriously. And apparently more storms are on their way tonight. We are fairing ok and by God's grace our home was spared; many, many in our city have severe damage from downed trees. power lines are down everywhere. All this to be said - no TTPT this Tues. unless our power is restored (I'm posting from my phone - technology - amazing - too bad it needs electricity - ha!). Feel free to post and I'll link to you once I am electric ... boogie woogie woogie


Debi said...

Will keep you in my prayers and hope that you have power soon.

Paula said...

Praying you're all okay.

Unknown said...

Thinking about you and hopping you and your family are O.K. with all of those crazy storms going by.