Thursday, December 9, 2010


It's done. I finished the blanket.

I'm kinda sad.

I liked working on this blanket. It was so warm and comforting sitting by the fire mindlessly crocheting. I need to start another one. Like pronto.

And as I was crocheting so blissfully my house was being demolished around me.

1. More library books than we have time to read
2. A snow globe that has seen so much action the poor snowmen have lost their carrot noses
3. A mantel still undecorated ... and I'm not too optimistic
4. One of the three lanterns from the boys adventure. Think every blanket and pillow on the street - no in  Virginia - piled, draped, hung in my living room
5. My now empty crochet basket. Boo. Hoo.
6. My camera case that has been sitting there f.o.r.e.v.e.r. it's become an accessory and requires dusting
7. A Thanksgiving book that never made it into the bin (Yes, I am annal. I have bins for each holiday. It's the only way I stay sane ... well, ok - not sane but find everything)
8. A cat who insisted upon sitting on my lap and lying on the blanket while trying to take pictures ... not unlike what he did while I was crocheting it
9. Said blanket in action. Gotta make sure it really works before it's gifted
10. The sofa that also would not cooperate while trying to photograph the blanket. How in the world did our couch get so stained, written on, painted ...

Some quick stats: I have no idea how big it is. I used 2 whole pounds of love and about 1/4 of a 3rd. I cropped the top picture (so you wouldn't see how trashed my foyer is - can't let you all think I'm a total slob now can I). I am 5 ft 6 1/2 in (you know that 1/2 inch very is important) and the blanket was resting on the top of my feet and my arms weren't fully spread out. This will work nicely when curled up in a chair or on the sofa. The pattern can be found here on Ravelry and here directly.

So there you have it. One of my most favorite projects thus far. I'd like to say I'm off to clean my living room but ... let's be real here people. I'm getting ready to spend waaaayy to much on Ravelry looking for the next one. What are you about to do?


angela said...

The blanket is gorgeous! Into my ravelry favorites it goes :o)

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Beautiful! It is quite sad when a good project like that comes to an end. I am just about to that same point with the Bernat crochet-along afghan. But then I must get it in the mail and start the next afghan wedding gift. All my nieces and nephews are starting to get married much too quickly!


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

It is beautiful!! Certainly something I could never do. I love both pics but the bottom one is my favorite.

Debi said...


Yolanda said...

It is so pretty. My granny did one like this a long time ago. I love it.

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

Yeah! Your afghan looks fabulous! It is so nice crocheting with a fire blazing. My advice to you is to always have about three crochet projects underway at the same time -- then you will never be without. Of course, it does tend to slow the process down a bit.

And for the record -- bins are the only way to keep life straight. Not to worry....I'm a little OCD myself.

Jill said...

You have inspired me! I have been wanted to learn to crochet for some time - I'm going to try this soon.

Great job!

Sara said...

That turned out so pretty! I know what you mean about needing a new crochet project--that and a messy house!!!!!

Paula said...

Yeah! It turned out beautiful! The cat cracks me up. I have one that was doing the same darn thing just a few minutes ago. Silly critters!

As for my projects - I have finished up 4 fish hats for Christmas and am now starting on a brimmed man's beanie. Time is running out. Better knit faster...

Unknown said...

Your living room looks homey. I would have never noticed all of those things with out you pointing them out.
I have things bought for making Chex Party Mix but think it will wait for another day.

UK lass in US said...

It looks beautiful - I think that is the same stitch that my grandma-in-law used on my daughter's baby blanket.