Well my fellow bloggers, something that DH and I have been waiting for the past 4 years is now becoming a reality. New bathrooms! Can I hear a hallelujah?! I'm sure I've mentioned in the past that our house (which we
love) is 75 years old ... one of our toilets is the original johhny! As for the other two ... well, one was leaking onto our floor and rocked when you sat on it and the other would keep running if you didn't catch the handle just right ~ our water bills are awful not to mention the fact that in our two full baths we had no means for ventilation ... mold is a serious issue (not to mention just down right disgusting). It was time to renovate. When Perk (our contractor) left on Friday he left with our worst offender ... the rocking, leaking, smelly toilet. I should warn you that the pictures have
the offender (mold) in them.

This bathroom was added on to the original house but we aren't sure when ... the 1940's or 1950's we think. I'm sad to see the floor go but it is sooo gross. Even DH can't get it to sparkle with the ol' on your hands and knees scrubbing. Thankfully we have awesome cast iron tubs; they just need to be reglazed because they are stained. This bathroom is getting a new floor, toilet, sink, a mac-daddy-if-you-get-too-close-you-will-be-sucked-out ventilation system, and the tub area retiled.

Believe it or not ... I cleaned this tub a few days before this picture - that is how bad the offender is. Do you like our shower rod/shelf? Ha! This morning was our last shower in here ... bye bye nastiness ... today is demolition day!
My posting may be sporadic because we will be spending a lot of time out of the house to stay out of their way ~ napping elsewhere which means no access to computer or sewing machine. Most posts will probably bore you to death and lack any craftiness ... the sacrifices we must make ;-)
oh adrienne! i am so jealous! we have the same bathroom woes. my bathroom also was original with our house (1950s) and it is miserable! no ventilation, same offender! it had horrible bubble gum pink tile that i have painted over which held up pretty well (5 years) but is not starting to peel from the moisture (no ventilation!!!) and so now i have tan with bubble gum pink patches! we are hoping to do the bathroom remodel next month and i hope i can be brave like you and show the shocking before pictures! can't wait to see the after pictures!
its such a big deal getting a new bathroom - we started ours 4 years ago this month and its still not finished!!!!
lisa x
Periwinkle, i can relate to you!!! i have a house, built in the 20s and we have been renovating our main floor bath for about 2years now. It had to be completely gutted. UGGGG. what a nightmare. We need to finish that one and then start on the upstairs one. MOLD?? Oh, you haven't seen mold until you see mine!!!! GRRRRRROOOOOSSSSSSS.
Oh, A. I meant to tell you, when you are done with yours, come on over to my house!!!
How exciting, Adrienne! You are going to fall in love with your new bathrooms. Renovations are tough, though. Hang in there, and keep thinking about your gorgeous new bathrooms in the meantime!
We remodeled our bathroom ourselves, and after 2 weeks of tub baths, I asked a friend if I could go over to her house just to take a shower!
Good luck with all that! I can't wait to see how it turns out. Our bathroom is gonna need some work in the future for sure - we have a leaky sink and I'm scared to take up the linoleum and see what's underneath it. We've probably got some "offender" under there!
Oh good luck! That bathroom has great potential, I can't wait to see how it turns out. If you and the boys need an alternate location while the contractors are busy, LMK :)
Our 1943 bathroom has just been ripped out. The scariest part was seeing some of the wall colours that the previous owners had chosen...
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